Following our Lent fasting and reflections.
We began Holy week on Palm Sunday where we celebrated Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. With the church decorated with beautiful palms and a procession with donkeys. We got the chance to meet Annie and Dainty at the end of the service and have our photos taken and treat them to a few carrots.
Thank you so much to Mel from West Hill Donkeys for bringing her beautiful girls along. We loved having you.

Maundy Thursday Rev Juliet and some of us attended the Chrism Eucharist at Salisbury Cathedral which was a beautiful service led by Bishop Stephen.
Thursday evening we held our washing of feet and stripping of the altar with communion followed by the watch.

Good Friday was a a busy solemn day for us. Starting with an 0800 Mass of the Pre-Sanctified followed by Good Friday activities for children and their families including the making of our Easter Garden.

We concluded Good Friday with Silent Devotions and the last hour at the foot of the Cross.

Saturday evening we held a vigil and service of light with a bonfire and renewal of our baptismal vows.

Easter Sunday we celebrated our risen Lord Jesus with a full Sung Eucharist followed by champagne and smoked salmon.