
We aim to keep Holy Trinity open as much as possible during the week for prayer and reflection.

Everyone is invited to join us for our services of worship. All communicants of any Christian church are welcome to receive Holy Communion here. Otherwise, please come to the altar to receive God’s blessing, keeping your head bowed.

Regular Sunday Services

Regular services at Holy Trinity are as follows. Visitors are very warmly welcome to any services taking place at the church.

Regular services are as follows:
Sundays 08:00 AM Said Eucharist
10:00 AM Sung Eucharist
Wednesdays 10:00 AM Said Eucharist

In addition to the above, services are held on principal Saint's days and other occasions in the church calendar. Please see the church noticeboards events page or our weekly pew sheet for the latest information.

We also publish a monthly church magazine ‘Trinity Voice’ which contains lots of useful information.

Please note that incense may be used at some Sunday services.